Founded in the year 1837 and named in the honor of Edward Livingston, the Livingston County occupies an area of 1,045.93 sq mi approximately. Pontiac is the county seat and the largest city. A population of around 38.9K with a racial makeup including White, Native American, black or African American, Asian, Hispanic or Latino, Pacific Islander, and others including more than 14.3 K housing units along with 9.9 K families inhabits this region.
Today the fabulous wealth of data reclaimed from the Livingston County records index enhances and enriches the vast and extensive online records investigations on birth and census origin, marriage and divorce decree information, death and obituary news with burial and cemetery status, civil court records, the last will and testament records, historic war records including American civil war and World War I & II along with military enlistment records, adoption history and so on to a wider extent.